onsdag 18. januar 2012

"The Girl with a Pearl Earring"

The girl with a pearl earring is written by Tracy Chevalier. The story is about 16 year old Griet who becomes a maid in the famous painter Johannes Vermeer’s house. My impression of the girl in the painting is that since her eyes are wide open and her mouth is half- smiling, she gives an impression of both innocence and seductiveness. She looks at the painter with a kind of sensuality and virtue. But I also got the impression that she is very nervous as she sits in front of the man she kind of love. In the house she is quickly going from a young and innocent life to an adult and grown up one. Her life gets so changed when she works in Vermeer’s house and she finds herself growing more and more apart from her family and closer and closer to Vermeer.

I really liked the book and I think it was both interesting and exciting. We get a close look into Griet’s life, the complicated family she works with and even the society of the small town.

1 kommentar:

  1. Good, Silje, I am happy to hear that you liked the novel.
